Covid 19 Preventative Measures – Allguard Pest Control & Allguard Infection Control remain open to protect our customers & community

Our role in protecting the health of our communities and homes has never felt more important. Our Sister Division Allguard Infection Control also provides professional Disinfection/Decontamination services to protect your home, business, school or place of worship.

We are a federally designated Critical Infrastructure business and as such, take our responsibility to help protect the health and safety of the public very seriously.

We are adhering to CDC guidelines taking proactive safety measures to ensure the health and safety of our customers, team members and the public. We are closely monitoring COVID-19 and are taking all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of infection. We are following the guidance set forth by the U.S. Federal Government, Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
and other health agencies, including:

  • The use of EPA Registered disinfectants on all commonly used surfaces, tools, and within our technician’s vehicles.
  • We stay home if we are sick.
  • Wash hands thoroughly and often.
    • Including before and after each service – we carry special water free hand soap.
  • Cover our Cough as prescribed by CDC.
  • Avoid touching our face.
  • Practice Social Distancing – Stay more than 6 feet apart from other people.

We are asking our customers to please let us know in advance if they have any
questions or concerns regarding our procedures, or if you would like us to take special
precautions that might be unique to you and your family. We will continue
to proactively monitor COVID-19 (officially named SARS-CoV-2) developments and take appropriate measures to ensure your safety.

Thank you for continuing to trust us to protect you and your family from disease
causing organisms and the damage they cause.